I honestly didn’t know what to expect when I had a free trial. I couldn’t believe that in 30 minutes, I could have that much of a workout. There was so many benefits being a member. I signed up before I walked out the door. I didn’t need to think about it. It’s a wonderful atmosphere! The encouragement you get from the trainers is like no other. It’s definitely a judgement free zone and you will feel absolutely comfortable working out there!! Huge shoutout to Natalie and Jillian! You
Melissa Norris
Mar 5, 2024


30 Minute Hit - Sherbrooke fitness kickboxing - Annik Normand

Bienvenues 30 Minute Hit Sherbrooke. Un circuit d’entrainement de 30 minutes conçu pour les femmes occupées de nos jours. Plus qu’un entrainement, ce concept unique inclus des techniques de kickboxing, de boxe et d'auto-défense où les femmes de tous âges, de tous niveaux d’entrainement et d'habiletés sont les bienvenues. Des enfants à la maison? Aucun soucis, amenez-les avec vous et ils pourront s’amuser dans l’espace pour enfant conçu pour eux! Prenez rendez-vous pour un essai GRATUIT dès maintenant et tombez en amour avec le HIT comme nous l’avons fait!

Welcome to 30 Minute Hit Sherbrooke. A 30 minute training circuit designed for the busy women of today. More than just a training, the circuit includes kick-boxing, boxing and self-defence techniques where women of all ages, shape, size and experience levels feel accepted. Have kids at home? No worries, bring them along and they can have fun in the kids area while you're sweating! Book your FREE trial now and fall in love with the HIT, as we did!

Annik Normand

30 Minute Hit - Sherbrooke fitness kickboxing

30 Minute Hit Sherbrooke

4695 Boulevard Bourque
Sherbrooke, Quebec, J1N 2G6


Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi matin
8h00 - 12h30

Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings
8:00am - 12:30pm

Lundi au Jeudi soir
15h30 - 19h30

Monday through Thursday evenings
3:30pm - 7:30pm

Samedi matin
8h00 - 12h30

Saturday mornings
8:00am - 12:30pm